Bissell Centre provides supportive housing for people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This is the first such facility in Canada that offers 24 hour support services for people with FASD.

The apartment complex is owned and operated by Homeward Trust with Bissell Centre providing in-house and outreach support for the people who live there.

Support Services Available

Bissell Centre staff provide support 24 hours a day/365 days a year and are trained and equipped to assist people with FASD. FASD supportive housing staff provide tenants with a stable home environment, opportunities to integrate into the community, goal-setting sessions, and assistance with attending medical appointments,  court appearances,  mental health supports, and other commitments.

Support staff also arrange for group outings, have some on-site cultural support and offer off-site Indigenous supports for tenants. In addition to this, an Occupational Therapist is on-site that offers a strengths-based Executive Function Performance Test in order to assess and assist tenants with increasing daily living skills. The OT also offers Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for the implementation of change-oriented strategies. DBT is useful for assisting tenants in areas such as mental health, trauma, or emotional regulation. The staff also provides mental health and harm reduction education and support for residents

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum of Services (FASD)

Bissell Centre has been providing support for people with FASD for over 13 years. The FASS program focuses on prevention and awareness to support the well-being of individuals and families affected by FASD.

Please visit Fetal Alcohol Spectrum of Services for more information.

Manager, Supportive Housing
Nola Visser
780-423-2285 ext. 111

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