Honouring the Pride Woven into Indigenous History

by | POSTED: Jun 26, 2024

June is an important month for Bissell Centre – it’s both Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. There is.

The Role Family Plays at National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

by | POSTED: Jun 06, 2024

The role family plays in many Indigenous cultures can’t be understated. Blood familial ties and chosen families can hold the.

How your short walk can help someone else’s journey

by | POSTED: Jan 31, 2024

We can’t say enough about our Community Space. This is the central hub where folks can come by for a.

Workforce Development: A Hidden Gem for Recruiting in the Manufacturing Industry

by | POSTED: Oct 20, 2023

If you ask Myles Richter if he has a secret weapon for recruiting in manufacturing for his frontline and entry-level.

Where Donated Goods Go at Bissell Centre

by | POSTED: Oct 20, 2023

Ever wonder what kind of impact your donated goods make on your community? Documentaries like Minimalism: Less is Now and.

Advantages to Recruiting Construction Labour with Workforce Development

by | POSTED: Oct 18, 2023

When Emcee Construction began renovating our Community Space, it wasn’t necessarily looking to fill in some frontline and entry-level roles.

Filling Entry-Level Warehouse Vacancies with Workforce Development

by | POSTED: Oct 18, 2023

Warehouse worker standing at a desk

To fill his frontline and entry-level positions, LD Filtration’s Vice-President and Partner Dakota Ward typically receives resumes and applications from.

Boyle Street and Bissell Centre Build a Longer Table at Friendship Feast

by | POSTED: Oct 04, 2023

Two women smiling in Bissell Community Space

There’s an old saying that goes, “when you have more than you need, build a longer table.” Boyle Street Community.

Introducing the New Indigenous Engagement Program

by | POSTED: Sep 22, 2023

The new Indigenous Engagement program is a spark of connection, igniting a deep sense of belonging through the customs that.

Reclaiming National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

by | POSTED: Sep 22, 2023

For Sarah Higgins, Director of Indigenous Engagement at Bissell Centre, the word that comes most to mind when she thinks.

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